Certifications and Recognitions



COMAD S.C., is a consulting company certified by the Cámara Nacional de Empresas de Consultoria - CNEC (National Chamber of Consulting Companies) in the areas of Public Procurement; Construction Law and Corporate Integrity and Anti-Corruption Training. This implies that an independent third party validates our real and effective experience in this matter.


COMAD S.C., has an external trainer register by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and, consequently, these courses are used by Human Resources departments as mandatory training for companies.


Likewise, thanks to the excellent comments of our clients and colleagues, COMAD S.C., and its members have been recognized for several years by independent publications made by Chambers and Partners; Legal 500; WhosWhoLegal; LACCA and Best Lawyers for their recognized experience and prestige in the field of Construction Law; Public Procurement and Corporate Integrity and Anti-Corruption.